Up for the picking: Your best bet for Powerball strategy
As you can tell by now, Powerball jackpots have been rising since the start of the year. The biggest one so far was drawn several weeks ago that has reached over 1.5 Billion USD. As long as Powerball tickets are selling as hot as these, we can only expect bigger jackpots coming our way.

Beneath the surface
Did you know that there are secrets about picking your lottery numbers? Call it flair with numbers or something else, but how does one spot the probable jackpot numbers anyway?
Numbers that was ousted for 6 consecutive draws are accountable to win on the next set of winning numbers. At least by fifty percent chances. The same goes with numbers that have not been included for 12 consecutive draws or less will likely appear at seventy five percent chance on your next try. So while you’re contemplating on which number to choose, spare yourself from all the trouble and do some back reading on the last 6 to 10 draws.
Bleak turning to sunny day
How about betting for an elusive number? Don’t you think it’s high time to give it a shot? We think you should. We always have that thing for cold numbers (when everything else fails, so to speak). If your instinct tells you that it’s time to end that long hiatus of not winning any combination, change the course of the weather with your favourite elusive bet. Who knows?
What not to do
Some folks have that thing for patterns. Whether they want to mark the slips diagonally, vertically, across or with straight line; these will only end up with you and many others sharing the big giant pie. And what will you take home? Just a portion of the whole. But here’s more; Do not bet on similar last digits or at least try not to. Just mix numbers ending with 0, a 2-digit number and 1s and see how it goes.

On history repeating
We don’t like to spoil the fun, but it is very unlikely that history will be repeating itself. (Not in our lifetime, that is)! This one goes most especially with random numbers. If you’re seriously looking into a previous set of winning numbers, you could be just throwing your time and money out of the window. Let’s just say, you have to wait over two million years for it happen all over again. Where would you be then?